
Mechanical Principles: The Ins & Outs


Mechanical Principles: The Ins & Outs If you are interested in being a firefighter or maybe your hiring process has already started, congrats! Let the games begin. This journey will be unlike any other interview you have ever experienced. Let’s talk MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES. Here is an introduction to help you with what many find difficult in the exam process: PULLEYS: 1. The more pulleys, the easier it is to pull or lift an object. 2. The more pulleys involved, the greater distance you must pull. Even still, the more pulleys it is still easier to lift an object. 3. The [...]

Mechanical Principles: The Ins & Outs2021-09-01T19:03:26+00:00

Getting Down to the Short Strokes


Getting Down to the Short Strokes I get a sinking feeling when someone tells me they have been eliminated from the process after getting accepted for a conditional job offer. He or she wants to know what can be done to further their dream of earning the badge. My question is why didn’t you call me before you went on to the next step? Often the answer is that the firefighter didn’t think help was needed. Things were going well. well things were going well. We now know he or she was dead wrong! Here is the deal. Just because [...]

Getting Down to the Short Strokes2021-07-28T15:59:12+00:00

Digging In: Your Background Check


Digging In: Your Background Check After 40 plus years in Fire Service, we have seen a thing or two. We have been asked some great questions. This is always the case when it comes to the background check. Here are a few: What exactly happens during a background investigation? What kind of information does the background investigation dig up? Who do they contact and how? Is it likely they will contact the references I give them? Do they contact family members or friends? Do they try to get the phone numbers of people through them? Here is what we know. [...]

Digging In: Your Background Check2021-05-24T20:56:55+00:00

Navigating the Background Appeal


Navigating the Background Appeal Even after working with firefighter candidates, we usually hear from them. From time to time, a candidate will call or email when things are good, and when things are not. We are happy to help. Read what situation our friend, John D., ran across. Dear Captain Rob, Once again, I need some advice. About 10 years ago, I got in trouble for having a fake ID. The result was a gross misdemeanor. Because of this, I was recently removed from a hiring process in Washington State. I received a letter from the department that stated I [...]

Navigating the Background Appeal2021-05-24T21:18:54+00:00

When the Wheels Come Off the Wagon!


When the Wheels Come Off the Wagon! The firefighter hiring process includes a Psych Test with an evaluation by a psychologist. When the evaluation goes wrong, the firefighter candidate is eliminated from the hiring process. As you can imagine, the wheels start coming off the wagon. Here is how it goes down. Before the interview, the psychologist will often have you take a separate personality test, fill out a personal family history, a biography, and additional information forms. The biggest mistake firefighter candidates make during the psychological evaluation is thinking there is patient/doctor confidentiality. There isn't. The Psych Evaluator is [...]

When the Wheels Come Off the Wagon!2021-05-24T21:23:40+00:00

The Number One Problem in Getting Hired


The Number One Problem in Getting Hired If your dream has always been to become a firefighter, most likely you understand that there is ­­a process that happens to earn the badge. Chances are you have researched or talked with others about the firefighter hiring process in general. There are applications to fill out and requirements to meet. You know this. Part of this process means that there is an ORAL BOARD interview in your future. It is unavoidable. And, truthfully, this is where most firefighter candidates get hung up. Here is how it goes. You walk to the mailbox. [...]

The Number One Problem in Getting Hired2021-05-25T17:38:20+00:00

One-on-One Coaching Works


One-on-One Coaching Works By the time I have finished one-on-one coaching with a firefighter candidate, he/she is more than ready to get off the phone or leave my house. You see, the truth is that the amount of information we go over can be overwhelming. As a result, our sessions are recorded, and the taped sessions become a great study guide. Here is why. Sometimes it is hard for some people to understand that what they thought was their “best stuff” gets shot down right out of the gate. One candidate wrote: You assisted me with private coaching back in [...]

One-on-One Coaching Works2020-08-21T14:03:55+00:00

Applying For A Lateral Position


Applying For A Lateral Position The biggest problem when seasoned veterans take entry-level or lateral tests is that they can’t place themselves in the position of being a snotty-nosed rookie. It’s hard for them to remember what it was like to be the newbie. Instead, they try to hammer the Oral Board with their credentials. They think the Board will just hand them the job. But, the truth is that their Oral Board skills are rusty and antiquated. They are out of sync with what is needed. Here is our advice: Leave your time and rank in your locker. You [...]

Applying For A Lateral Position2020-08-21T14:05:37+00:00

Commit To Your Career


Commit To Your Career Over the years, we have helped thousands – yes, thousands – earn the badge. At eatstress.com, we work with candidates through not only private coaching but also guide them along when they choose a more independent route. We hear from candidates when they succeed. We hear from candidates when they feel they have hit a wall. And, we can help them turn the corner. Here is what I mean. Hello Capt. Bob, I have read a lot about you on the "perfect firefighter" site. And, after visiting your site, I feel confident that you can help me. [...]

Commit To Your Career2020-05-28T21:08:57+00:00

Practice Makes Perfect


Practice Makes Perfect At eatstress.com, our goal is to help as many as possible live their dream and earn their firefighter’s badge. It’s that simple. With 40 plus years of experience, we have helped dreams come true for thousands. After all, we all know that being a firefighter is a front row seat at the greatest show on earth. Before we go any further, let me ask you a question. Did you mom, or a teacher, or a coach ever tell you that practice makes perfect? Well, they were right. Again, and again, we encourage candidates to take as many test [...]

Practice Makes Perfect2020-05-29T16:15:19+00:00


Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong… with Captain Bob’s program and coaching, I was shocked to see I had ranked number one and got my badge.”  
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there...
Becoming a Firefighter
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there that don’t believe this, try passing and ranking #1 on orals with a stuttering problem…I did.” – Dave, FF/PM  
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out of a possible 120 pts, I scored 119.87 pts! I couldn’t believe it! … Just wanted to say THANK YOU!” – Armando  
Becoming a Firefighter

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