Yearly Archives: 2021

Improving Poor Oral Board Skills


Improving Poor Oral Board Skills If we have said it once, we have said it a thousand times, your scores on the ORAL BOARD are crucial in landing a firefighter position. And can be 100% of what gets you hired. Here is the million-dollar question. What are you doing incorrectly that is keeping you from getting hired? The bottom line is most firefighter candidates don't have the right interview skills and do not practice enough to become good at interviewing. This is true for any job interview. How are you going to impress the ORAL BOARD panel and convince them [...]

Improving Poor Oral Board Skills2021-05-25T17:02:43+00:00

The Number One Problem in Getting Hired


The Number One Problem in Getting Hired If your dream has always been to become a firefighter, most likely you understand that there is ­­a process that happens to earn the badge. Chances are you have researched or talked with others about the firefighter hiring process in general. There are applications to fill out and requirements to meet. You know this. Part of this process means that there is an ORAL BOARD interview in your future. It is unavoidable. And, truthfully, this is where most firefighter candidates get hung up. Here is how it goes. You walk to the mailbox. [...]

The Number One Problem in Getting Hired2021-05-25T17:38:20+00:00

Physical Agility: Technique, Momentum, and Grip


Physical Agility: Technique, Momentum, and Grip Firefighter candidates don't realize that it's not just strength that is required in physical agility. If you are having problems in the physical, there are steps you can take to prepare. Before I go any further, I want to be clear that the NUGGETS here are technique, momentum, and grip. You do not want any surprises during the Physical Agility. I encourage firefighter candidates to take advantage of any college or academy program teaching the techniques used for pulling hoses, throwing a ladder, dragging a dummy (not you), etc. Many fire departments offer practice [...]

Physical Agility: Technique, Momentum, and Grip2021-05-25T17:41:23+00:00

Eliminated on Your PBQ – Where’s the Threshold?


Eliminated on Your PBQ – Where’s the Threshold? Here is a very real situation. You took an online Preliminary Background Questionnaire (PBQ). When you tried to continue, it flashed PERMANENT DISQUALIFICATION! You wonder what the heck happened? Let’s be clear. The Preliminary Background Questionnaire is designed to eliminate candidates early in the hiring process before they spend lots of time and money on those who they would refuse later. You would be surprised at the percentages of candidates disqualified. If you have been disqualified, you may have answered correctly, or incorrectly, yes to a question that led to an automatic [...]

Eliminated on Your PBQ – Where’s the Threshold?2021-05-25T18:09:42+00:00


Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.  
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“I tested for 10 years taking 73 tests. My next oral was in two weeks. I wanted to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong… with Captain Bob’s program and coaching, I was shocked to see I had ranked number one and got my badge.”  
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there...
Becoming a Firefighter
“The only hinder that I found myself with was not passing the oral… For all of the candidates out there that don’t believe this, try passing and ranking #1 on orals with a stuttering problem…I did.” – Dave, FF/PM  
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and...
Becoming a Firefighter
Using Capt Bob’s program I was called back for the chiefs oral. I ended up #2 on the list and now proudly wear the badge for Denver. I would not have been in this position if it wasn’t for “Captain Bob’s” program.
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out...
Becoming a Firefighter
“Well, I never thought I would be writing this to you, Captain Bob, but it happened to me also… Out of a possible 120 pts, I scored 119.87 pts! I couldn’t believe it! … Just wanted to say THANK YOU!” – Armando  
Becoming a Firefighter

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