Thanks, Coach!

Do you remember being in high school and you had a tough class? You had to pass otherwise you would not be able to play sports or worse, your parents would be pissed. What did you do? Well, if you are like some, you asked the teacher for extra help or you found someone to study with on a regular basis. Maybe you did both. The other option would have been to find a tutor.

Working with a specialist one on one can make all the difference in the world. Participating in our EatStress Private Coaching is that specialist. In our experience, participating in our private coaching program can make the difference between placing forty and below on the list or being in the top ten. We know what happens to the top ten. They are going to the Chief’s Oral to nail a badge!

Here’s our EatStress formula: The first step is for a candidate to purchase our entry-level program. Following the process, one must complete the worksheet, practice with a handheld recorder that goes everywhere your car keys go, and then come back for a private coaching session with Captain Rob. This strategy increases their chances of gaining a badge by 90%! That is not just a statement but also a fact!

Over the years, we have coached candidates who had no experience. We have coached those who have been trying up to 18 years to get a firefighter job or promotion. One thing is certain with these folks. After beating their heads against the wall trying everything to get this job, they discover that the real secret is being able to pass the ORAL high enough to get a shot at the badge. They are correct. Private coaching has placed them where they want to be.

Remember, Nothing matters until you have that badge. And, I mean nothing!

Captain Bob