Man in the Mirror

We get it. You want to be a firefighter so badly, that you can taste it. It is all you have ever dreamed of. Right? Right!

Here is the key. The best way to get hired and earn that badge is to put yourself in a position where the department can’t go around you.

Here is what I mean. If you have the attitude that the system is against you, you will give off that vibe. If you have the attitude that you are being passed over because of minority hiring, you will send that message. Any of these and other negative traits will cause you to psych yourself out. You need to turn that frown upside down. Attitude is everything.

So – you think you can hide your vibe? Who are you kidding? Not me! A negative vibe makes it difficult to get hired. It will rear its ugly head and show in the oral board. It will show when your start to squirm during your answers on cultural diversity – especially if there is a woman or person of color on your oral board panel. I’ve seen guys with great credentials tank here. And, to be honest, women have a sixth sense that can smell out a phony.

When looking back at why you didn’t get the job, you can continue to piss and moan. You can focus on other reasons why you think you didn’t get a badge. But, here is the truth – There is only one person keeping you from getting the badge. Believe it or not, that person is YOU!

Stop looking through a magnifying glass at others. As a matter of fact, throw that magnifying glass away. Get yourself in front of a mirror. Take a long hard look at the person looking back at you. That person is the only reason you do not have a badge.

I end with 2 things: “If you’re bent on revenge, you had better dig two graves.” And, this – “Nothing counts ’til you have the badge . . . Nothing!”

Fire Captain Bob