Pass the Psych Test the First Time Out!

You want to be a firefighter. You have jumped through all the flaming hoops and made it through the background check. Then,
you are offered the job pending the medical, which includes a psychological test. You take the test, no problem. Right? Wrong!

All of a sudden, the phone stops ringing.

Let me tell you about my experience with Bill – a firefighter/medic candidate. Bill had been testing for five years before he
received his first job offer. Sadly, Bill failed the Psych Test.

I received a phone call from Bill asking what he could do now. I asked Bill if he knew about He said he did. I
asked Bill if he knew we offered a Psych Test preparation program? He said he did. I asked Bill why he didn't purchase it? Bill
responded, "Things were going great. I didn't think I needed it." I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard this.
The truth is 40% of firefighter candidates fail the Psychological Test the first time out. Imagine you were one of these. After all
the education, experience, and time preparing, you were eliminated. Adding insult to injury, no one will talk with you about
what happened. Many candidates are devastated and do not know what to do next because the Psych Test is a critical part of
the hiring process.

Here is what we know. You need to prepare and pass the first time out. There are no exceptions with the Psych Test. When you
are eliminated from the hiring process, you may be told you did not meet the profile.

Firefighter candidate, Bill, was confused by the word "profile." He had training, experience, education, every degree, certificate,
merit badge, and a paramedic certification. He had been a volunteer, a paid member of another department for ten years, and
lived and breathed this job. In his eyes, he met the profile. He was wrong!

Here is how the Psych Test work
There is a written test with up to 1000 questions that sets up a profile of you. The goal is not to pass the test but to go into the
job fully prepared. You must put your pride and defensiveness aside. They ask a few questions in several different ways. You
want to answer questions "strongly for" or "strongly against" instead of being in the middle undecided. Answer questions to
present yourself as a more social, interactive team player.

Even though this is excellent information to get you started, there is more to passing the Psych Test than meets the eye. Reach
out to us to learn more about our insider NUGGETS because nothing matters until you earn the badge.

Fire Captain Bob